Gotham Coffee Roasters, NY - Coffee Insurrection

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Gotham Coffee Roasters
Specialty coffee roasters in NYC
Specialty Coffee Shop and Roaster

23 W 19th St, New York, NY 10011, US (Gotham Coffee Roasters - Cafe & Roastery)
While only founded in 2013, they have deep roots in the coffee industry. They’re a modern coffee company, with a long view of specialty coffee: the team members have all pursued lifelong careers in the field and the founder started one of the first specialty coffee chains on the West Coast. Methods may have changed with the times, but the focus still remains on quality and close working relationships. Coffee sourcing is a large part of who they are, and they’re committed to the economic sustainability of coffee producers they work with. Coffee sourcing is a complex topic and the supply chain has been historically opaque. For that reason, they favor partnerships with small companies who buy cherry or parchment coffee and handle their own import & export. Not only does this reduce the number of middlemen, but it provides greater transparency into buying practices and farm-level prices. They’re particularly proud of their blended coffee model as their buying volume allows them to meaningfully support fixed-price buying and agronomic development in Colombia. They specialize in partnerships and customer service, and have extensive consultation experience, having helped build-out over a dozen cafes in the NY area, and develop countless coffee programs big and small.
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