DrupaCaffe' Bar & Caffetteria
Via Giovanni Marradi, 147, 57125 Livorno, Tuscany Italy
Open in 2013 for pure passion, challenge and madness “given the times”, by Paolo Milani who,
with his thirty years of experience in the coffee sector, is the solid basis of this project. The idea is a place based on the quality of the offer and on the variety of proposals related to coffee and all its uses: espresso, alternative extraction methods, classic cocktails… even the production of a craft beer with Ethiopian coffee. Inside there is an area entirely dedicated to the alternative extraction methods: V60, French Press, Siphon and Cold Drip. The goal is to raise awareness among the public, through tasting and information evenings.An area reserved for direct roasting in small quantities of fine coffees is already being prepared inside the restaurant, to soon lead to the direct sale of freshly ground coffee.Each month it is possible to taste a different specialty coffee in espresso.