Linea Caffe, San Francisco - Coffee Insurrection

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Linea Caffe
Specialty Coffee Roasters in San Francisco
Specialty Coffee Shop and Roaster

1125 Mariposa St, San Francisco, CA 94107 (Roastery / Cafe / Training Center)

3417 18th St., San Francisco, CA 94110 (Mission District Café)
Andrew Barnett spends a great deal of his time tasting and rating coffees with the best tasters (cuppers) at annual Cup of Excellence tastings and building personal relationships with top growers in Brazil, Nicaragua, Bolivia, Guatemala, El Salvador, and Ethiopia. Master Roaster, Andrew Barnett and his staff carefully roast each batch of specialty coffee beans. “I want to turn people on to the flavors of the world’s finest coffees,” says Barnett.  “There are flavors out there in perfectly roasted and prepared coffee that blow people’s minds. Great coffee should be naturally sweet, balanced, complex and elegant, much like the world’s finest wines and chocolates.”
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