Pharmacie Coffee Roasters. Coffee Shop in Hove, East Sussex, UK - Coffee Insurrection

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Pharmacie Coffee Roasters
Specialty coffee roasters in Lewes, UK
Specialty Coffee Shop and Roaster

18 Cambridge Grove, Hove BN3 3ED, UK

Pharmacie is a specialty coffee roaster that offers what is known as slot-roasting or toll-roasting, or as they prefer 'Co-roasting': they offer like-minded coffee professionals the chance to take full control over their coffee offerings, by hiring out their Giesen W15 and roastery equipment. Coffee roasting is not a dark art, but rather a science and practice that can be learnt and developed through experience and guidance. For them, opening a roastery after a collective 30 years in independent coffee houses was the inevitable next step. The ability to have full control over what they sourced and served, what roast profiles they desired, and the furthering of their collective coffee educations were the primary reasons they started Pharmacie. They have also enjoyed the creative opportunity able to develop their own packaging and brand with a strong enviromental ethos and design aesthetic and have no doubt that their co-roaster companies will feel similarly.
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